MetaTrader 4 Forex Brokers

Why use MetaTrader 4? Over 100 forex brokers large and small use MetaTrader as their trading platform. With the MQL4 programming language, one can easily create expert advisors and custom indicators for automated trading. Best of all, it's free!

With the recent NFA rules regarding hedging and FIFO, many expert advisor traders are concerned about the effect these changes will have on their trading. Some traders have decided to move to non-NFA regulated brokers, usually in the UK.

Here are just a few of the more popular brokers that offer MetaTrader 4. Please exercise due diligence before doing business with any broker.

Non-NFA MetaTrader Brokers

NFA Regulted MetaTrader Brokers

MetaTrader Broker Lists

  • Forex-TSD - A downloadable and nearly complete list of over 120 MT4 brokers.
  • MyMetaFX - Detailed & informative listings of Metatrader brokers.
  • AllForex - Broker rankings and reviews.
